Unicorn Library

SCYTHE Library: Breach Reality Check: Get More Realistic with the Latest in Attack Simulation

Written by SCYTHE | Aug 29, 2018 4:00:00 AM

Today, SCYTHE unveiled unique enhancements to the SCYTHE attack simulation platform. This release allows measuring effectiveness of an enterprise’s security controls with granularity and prioritizing areas for real action across the entire enterprise against your people, technology or processes easier than ever before. Highlights:

Campaign Automation

Be creative and make your job easier than ever! Automate TTPs and logic directly into campaigns such as command executing, taking screenshots, or exfiltrating files, setting them to transpire once SCYTHE lands on the specific target endpoint. You now have the ability to combine modules, commands, and techniques with our point and click Automate Campaign feature.

MITRE ATT&CK™ Framework

SCYTHE includes additional enhancements to align your campaigns with the MITRE ATT&CK framework. In addition to the threats in the Threat Catalog, the MITRE ATT&CK grid provides guidance on leveraging SCYTHE to test adversarial techniques such as Credential Dumping and Process Discovery.

Improved Delivery Mechanisms

Delivering SCYTHE attacks to targets is now more convenient. The Drive-by Server can now proxy SCYTHE injection payloads and the DLL payload’s entry point can now be modified just in time.

Module Updates and Improvements

Your feedback matters! Your feedback taken! We have made improvements to existing modules and have included additional modules to keep your Blue Team guessing. For example, take a look at our new Unmanaged PowerShell module. Built from scratch, this module provides the functions of PowerShell without tripping alarms from PowerShell auditing.

Additional Threats

Our team continuously monitors for new and dangerous threats and malware. Try out some of the new ones included in this release, such as Olympic Destroyer, and see if your defenses can see or stop some of the newest cyber threats to your enterprise!

Interested in how SCYTHE can help you? Visit scythe.io or contact us to learn more!